Update 3 May 2013: I've added
Melchior Amerbach's Vom Ende der Welt to the list of printed attestations of "Zengg" in print,
Update 1 February 2013: I've now seen images of one additional Zengg edition, which I have added as number 14 to the list of editions below, along with another edition of 1563 under the same title, which I haven't yet seen. On the title page of the Leiden copy of the 1562 edition, there is a manuscript note "1562," but I don't actually see any obvious reasons for dating this edition to that year. Also, Leiden UB has one of the easiest and most efficient systems for ordering facsimiles that I've seen.
* * *
In a comment, Klaus Graf points to his
compilation of manuscripts, prints, and editions of Dietrich von Zengg/Theodericus Croata, with links to digital facsimiles. His list of manuscripts includes two (Graz UB and Harvard UL) not found in Wolfram Schmitt's brief
Verfasserlexikon article, now over 30 years old.
The complete list of printed editions (as of 3 May 2013) includes the following:
- [Augsburg: Johann Froschauer, 1503]. ISTC it00146420 (BSB facsimile)
- [Munich: Hans Schobser, 1512]. VD16 T 732 (BSB facsimile)
- [Augsburg: Erhard Oeglin, 1520]. VD16 T 735
- [Cologne: Hermann Bungart, 1520]. VD16 T 733
- [Munich: Hans Schobser, 1520]. VD16 T 734
- [Strasbourg: Johann Grüninger, 1520]. VD16 ZV 21002
- [Augsburg: Heinrich Steiner, 1530]. VD16 T 736 (BSB facsimile)
- [Nuremberg: Hieronymus Andreae], 1536. VD16 T 737
- [n.p.: n.p.], 1542. VD16 T 738
- [Nuremberg: Hans Guldenmund, 1546]. VD16 C 953 (with "Hidden Prophecy" of Johann Carion)
- Frankfurt am Main: Hermann Gülfferich, [ca. 1545; 1548 (my dating)]. VD16 A 2161. (BSB facsimile)
Ain Practice / Oder Weyssagung ains gelerten mans mit namen Jeremias von Pariß..., with text apparently following the "Zengg" rather than the "462" version (noted in Talkenberger,
Sintflut, 468).
- [Straßburg: Johann Knobloch d.Ä. um 1525]. VD16 J 231
Prophecy ... funden worden in Osterreich uff einem Schloß das heißt Altenburg. Ist gemacht von einem Münich Carmeliten ordens von Prag. Da man zalt nach der geburt Christi Vierhundert Zweyundsechtzig Jare
- Freiburg/Breisgau: [Johann Wörlin, 1522]. VD16 D 1458 (HAB facsimile)
- [Speyer: Jakob Schmidt, 1523]. VD16 D 1457
- [N.p.: n.p., 1562]. Not in VD16. Leiden UB (Thyspf 9).
- [N.p.: n.p.], 1563. Not in VD16. (PDF catalog description of a microfilm here; BSB OPAC link here)
Vaticinia postremi seculi Duo: Das ist Zwo wundersame unnd verborgene Weissagung von veränderung und zufälligen Glück der Höchsten Potentaten deß H. Römischen Reichs (with "Hidden Prophecy" of Johann Carion):
- Darmstadt : Balthasar Hoffmann, 1612. VD17 23:327852S
- Darmstadt : Balthasar Hoffmann, 1619. VD17 7:707451Q
- [n.p.: n.p., ca. 1621]. VD17 1:063153A
Courtney Kneupper's dissertation might help clear up the origin of Dietrich von Zengg and the relationship between the various versions, but I don't know what direction she ultimately ended up taking with Zengg.